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Rubber mask or sheet mask - Which one do you need now?

Rubber mask or sheet mask - Which one do you need now?

  • 04 Mar 2019

While rubber masks were once exclusive to spa facials and the Korean celebrity and influencer status, their at home value could not be realized until the recent few years. Thanks to the innovation labs at the Shangpree spa, we can now enjoy the benefits of rubber masking, a.k.a., modelling masks in a mess-free and fun at home facial. These rubber masks are known for their calming effect on the skin. The cooling sensation of the thick mask paste helps in soothing skin. Further they're excellent in purifying action leaving skin clarified and nourished.

Shangpree Black Rubber Mask

Then, there are good old sheet masks that are essentially your revved up essence step. When you decide to flood your face with powerful skincare ingredients and de-stress from the daily environmental damage these (ultra) hydrating tools can get the job done.

When deciding which one to go for at any given moment, here are a few things to consider:

1. For the most part, it is a matter of preference. While someone's personality may be of the fun and daring kind to want to go about the customary pampering with a rubber mask. Others may want to stick to the usual and enjoy the comfort and familiarity from a sheet mask.

2. But speaking result-wise, if you are running on a clock and looking for a fast lane to a spa-facial result, a session of the Shangpree modelling mask can get you there. A helpful rubber masking tip is to apply an even, generous coat of the formula on the face, keeping it thicker around the edges - this will help the mask peel off easily.

And sheet masks are for the routine doses of antioxidants and vitamins that help maintain well-hydrated and healthy skin with an immediate result of glowy skin after taking off. The best tip for choosing sheet masks is to prioritize ingredients and make sure it's atleast paraben, mineral oil and synthetic dye free. Checkout this past blog post on skin recovery with a sheet mask here.

In essence(pun intended), we recommend you have both nourishing and purifying options at hand so that you can use either one depending on your skin requirements.

Pro tip: To amplify results, use a serum underneath your sheet mask or rubber mask because the environment that is created while you mask helps push the good stuff into the skin along with the other mask ingredients.

To starting to care more,
Team Care & Class


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