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  • ₹2,199.00

  • Product Code: 8809640732829
  • Availability: In Stock

Presenting the Anua Heartleaf Pore Control Cleansing Oil for a clean refreshed and hydrated skin. This non-comedogenic formula, especially formulated for acne-prone skin, easily removes makeup, blackheads, and excess sebum.

Get Heartleaf extract's benefits of calming properties to revitalize your skin and lessen irritations. Now, bid farewell to acne problems with Heartleaf extract, which combats bacteria and reduces inflammation. The cleansing oil also includes jojoba, macadamia, and grape seed to balance and cleanse your skin.

It also refreshes your skin withoutmaking it feel greasy while being lightweight and invigorating. Join the skincare revolution today!

How To Use:

Apply the oil to your face, paying particular attention to the makeup-covered areas. Thoroughly rinse with warm water. Proceed with your customary skincare regimen